You can choose from a number of activities – you might like to follow one of my teaching experiences or courses listed below, you may like to be accompanied or taught  particular skills, or  you may just want to come and paint with me or alone. This is your choice entirely, and we can easily organise and personalise your retreat.

Above all, we can be flexible, adapt and go with our own flow and have fun!

I have a number of different programmes, numbered below, but there is absolutely no need to opt for one of these, especially if you already have experience. They are totally original, flexible and very adaptable to your  interests, needs and level.  The depth and amount that can be achieved will, of-course, depend on how many days you choose to paint, but much can be accomplished in a short time.

We can easily combine different programmes – using and making collage papers with abstract work, or with painting animals or a Buddha. You may have your own idea of what you would like to do, and I am always happy to talk about this with you before you come, so I can have time to prepare.

They are all geared to help you improve your technique, self-confidence, have fun and to quieten that inner critical voice in order to love your work and enjoy the experience! I will accompany you at all times as your teacher, mentor and, as you paint, quietly observe and advise.

Some of the programmes :-

1. First Steps………If you are a beginner, and would like to learn how to paint and about mixed media, I can teach you all you need to get going in a positive, encouraging way. You’ll learn about handling and applying paint,  working in layers, colours admixing, other ways to make marks, a little about design and composition, and start to decide the style of art you feel drawn to. Especially for beginners.


2. Into the Abstract ……

Suitable for beginners and non beginners. Learning how to approach abstract painting as you would a journey, with curiosity, confidence and inspiration. How to build up your layers of paint by applying a fusion of intuition and good design and composition, and to find your individual style. We will look at the main elements of art and the principles of design like colour, light, shape, value, texture, pattern, contrast and explore them as your intuition also guides you.


3. Glow

Many people have asked me how I get my paintings to seem to ‘glow’ and shine out. This is achieved via a combination of paints, palettes and how to apply the paint in specific ways – plus our own individual interpretations, of course! I am very proud of this new course, now available at the Portugal studio and as an online self study course (here).


4. Painting Animals and Birds.…….I will demonstrate the techniques and methods I use to paint animals and birds, including the importance of composition, colour, technique, composition etc., and the gaze and stance of the animal. You will learn to combine achieving a good likeness with capturing the personality and perhaps even the soul of the animal, or use a more quirky pose, then painting the animal as YOU see them. You will also learn the importance of backgrounds, texture, simplification and how to add depth to your portrait.









5. Making and Using Collage – I make most of my own collage papers, both plain and patterned, from tissue paper, then incorporate them in a very special way into my paintings to achieve depth, contrast and, especially texture and pattern in a subtle, almost ‘secret’ way. This course follows the process from start to finish. It is great fun, and adds a very unique element to your work, and works especially well in both abstracts and semi-realistic paintings.  This course combines really well with any of the other experiences, or you may like to choose a different starting point. It also makes a great warm up session for your first day, and provides you with collage possibilities for your paintings both here and at home, and for journalling and any other creative projects.

6. Painting a Buddha
incorporating all the techniques I have developed over the years, and including my unique ways of making and using my own collage papers (as above). Then, choose your own subject for your own mixed media painting using your choice of techniques as I guide you step by step. This can also include elements from other courses  such as mixed media and collage.


7. Travel Journals…… an introduction to the wide variety of techniques and approaches, so you can develop your own style, gathering all sorts of ideas, themes and inspirations, using all the senses, which can then be recorded in your journal using sketching, colour, mixed media, photos and all sorts of items from your adventures, as well as written accounts.

I am an enthusiastic travel journaller, and have many journals from my world travels which I will share with you….I absolutely love these wonderful records of my trips…filled with sketches and paintings, photos, colours, memories of people and places. I relive my holidays every time I browse through them. You might wish to make a journal of your stay in Portugal, or a recent holiday.

8. Discovering your Style – techniques and ideas to discover your personal themes in painting or journalling to make your work sing, resonate and become uniquely and authentically yours. Especially for those who find it hard to generate new ideas, or feel blocked. We will look at working in a series and the importance of layering and developing your composition, and of digging deep into your memories and experiences and how to apply them expressively and authentically.

I discovered my style, with bright colours and strong images, after a combination of travelling and practice. Your style may be completely different and it will emerge naturally if you paint from your heart.